Teacher essay writing
Lord Of The Flies Essay Topic For Society
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Dancehall Music Essay Example For Students
Dancehall Music Essay My subject is danceable music on account of my developing worry to the negative effects this kind of music has brought upon the Jamaican youth populace. The aim of this undertaking is to research and uncover the impacts of danceable music towards the Jamaican youth populace. I am by and by intrigued by this topic since I appreciate music without a doubt and being in the music club at my school has affected me to investigate various types of music. I am scholastically inspired by this subject as I am at present going to evening classes at the Edna Manley School of Music. This subject additionally identifies with my business related intrigue since I might want to turn into a performer later on, and as a future good example I need to give a positive commitment to my nation. For my intelligent, I have formed an account piece entitled; Clacks Downfall. The topic is brought out through the primary character, Selects whose life was driven in an inappropriate way subsequent to being adversely affected by danceable music. This class was the most proper mode for me to completely communicate the adjustments in the life of the primary character. The reason for this undertaking is to examine and uncover the impacts of danceable USIA towards the Jamaican youth populace. The target groups are the Jamaican teenagers, ages 14-17 that are presented to this kind of music to remind them to always remember what their identity is just as to the guardians to guide and help the adolescents to the correct way. The general setting of this task depicts youngsters who utilize danceable music as a Bible to control their lives as opposed to Just another classification of music tuned in for happiness. Which means they disregard their unique characters and attempt to copy the attributes depicted in the danceable world, regardless of whether it is he activities being sang about or utilizing a danceable craftsman as a good example. The particular setting of the writing in this venture is about a high school young lady who could have a fruitful future however discarded it subsequent to being contrarily affected by danceable music. Clicks Downfall The dull room she laid in after a long time after night was currently to be called her home for a considerable length of time to come. With botches Selects now lives to lament, she has 25 years to sit and ponder, what might her life have been had her activities been unique. Chooses Martin was a short, light shaded, crimped hair, geeky young lady. She conveyed a draw string sack pack, colossal glasses like those from the asss and every one of her regalia were twofold her size. She wasnt a social butterfly, consistently liked to stay without anyone else, particularly since each time she went in a group, individuals would stage a good ways from her. Most importantly of this, Selects was savvy and candid when it came to class work, she generally kept up passing marks and was viewed as a little youngster with a brilliant future by her educators. That all changed as the ninth grade showed up. Danville, a dull earthy colored shaded, collie hair, stunning young lady who wore short, close outfits was for all intents and purposes something contrary to Selects. She did ineffectively in scholastics and had a terrible demeanor to her instructors. She generally strolled with a gathering of young ladies who went wherever she did and they would sit the entire day and discussion about the last party they joined in. Everybody appeared to like them however, particularly the young men. Scuffle Tries, did social prior shot toted menu! An uncovered chimes prior swan man, said Danville as she gloated to her companions in the restroom, temptress all Prince, I going frantic him head toted. Chooses, originating from one of the restroom slows down, caught the young ladies talking. She was not very reserve of these arils since she realized they were terrible news. As an individual from the key club society, I would like if that sort of conduct was not shown at our social, thank you, said vibrated with music and the understudies raced to the entryways to guarantee their positions. The fund division EssayThese were distinguished as an easygoing registers since they were discussions between colleagues that were OK with one another and had less worry for the utilization of considerate articulations. Colloquial variety was obvious in the piece by the principle character, Selects. This is on the grounds that in the initial segment of the account, she utilized the Standard Jamaican English by saying, As an individual from the key club society, I would like if that kind of conduct was not shown at our social, thank you, as she tended to the young ladies in the wake of catching their discussion in the restroom. This showed this was the language Selects favored as it introduced her proficiency and instruction and furthermore communicated her aversion of the young ladies direct. The fundamental character additionally utilizes Creole towards the finish of the piece as she turns out to be progressively brought into the danceable culture through danceable music. A case of this is the point at which she communicates her rough expectations to her companions as she stated, quiet we connect up circle night and bang hard up, show hard who a did B-A-D-D-E-S-T. This communicates how the character is currently alright with the Creole language and has gotten rough because of impacts from the danceable field. Taking everything into account, language registers and provincial varieties in the piece assisted with featuring the adjustments in conduct and language on the principle characters character in the wake of being impacted by the danceable class. Configuration of Presentation Introduction:- Theme Research point Definition Issues:- The music energizes savagery, sexual indiscrimination, and different sex accomplices The music celebrates lack of respect to power Few rising specialists sing cognizant music Evaluation of Sources:- The impact of danceable classification on juvenile sexual and brutal conduct in Jamaica; An open concern composed by Alexia D. Crawford The impacts of danceable on Jamaican youngsters composed by Snidely John Dancers Redemption composed by Cecilia Campbell-Livingston Challenges Conclusion From this task, I have discovered that as per legitimate sources, there are predominantly negative impacts of danceable music on Jamaican youths. It empowers savagery, sexual wantonness, different sex accomplices and the music celebrates discourtesy to specialists. I additionally discovered that not all specialists are blameworthy of this kind of negative support as there are not many that expect to sing cognizant verses and elevate Jamaica.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Police Policies and Evaluations Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Police Policies and Evaluations - Term Paper Example This makes it difficult for the police to conflict with the conventional plans that are as of now set up and go past the normal assets accessible to them so they can react to all resident calls for administration. The police have no state over their needs, strategies, asset levels, just as asset assignments in light of the fact that their field administrators are responsible for these procedures (Chambliss, 2011). For instance, police may need to react to some resident brings in regions that have horror movement as conjectured by the conventional plans. The police as of now have a factual investigation that tracks all crisis considers that shows them the problem areas of criminal behavior. At the point when the police get these crisis calls, they numerous not react quickly to the crisis calls in light of the fact that the conventional plans expects them to attempt to screen the regions by adequately utilizing police assets so they can sit tight for the opportune time for the police t o create the most earth shattering outcomes as opposed to reacting to each crisis call that they get from high criminal behavior zones (Rosenbaum, 1993). Another motivation behind why arrangement of a fast reaction to all resident calls for administration isn't a compelling utilization of police assets is on the grounds that their strategic adaptability is tirelessly constrained, for instance, watch, criminal examinations, and traffic. The police are sent geologically and through usefulness, and a few officials can react to some crisis calls while others can't. In the event that other cops not expected to react to such crisis calls, they may need to utilize additional assets, which the police office will most likely be unable to provide food for. Various cops are allocated radio vehicles and not every one of them. In this manner just these cops can react to crisis calls since they are the main ones expected to use such assets for crisis calls in such a case that all cops had radio v ehicles, practically every one of them would react to one crisis call and that is insufficient utilization of police assets (Carr et al., 2007). Limited spending plans and little police divisions responsible for some gatherings of individuals are different reasons why arrangement of a quick reaction to all resident calls for administration isn't a compelling utilization of police assets. In the event that the police were to react to all crisis calls quickly, they may be utilizing more than the assets doled out to them through strict financial plans and few police officers in the office. They may need to focus on crisis calls from horror regions contrasted with calls that probably won't have such an extensive amount a crisis. To the police, they will utilize their assets successfully on the grounds that the measure of assets that have been allotted to that division can't cook for each crisis call that they get. Then again, the residents will feel that the police don't utilize their a ssets viably or, in all likelihood they would react to every single crisis call even with constrained assets (Research Management Associates, Inc., 2004). Another motivation behind why arrangement of a fast reaction to all resident calls for administration isn't a compelling utilization of police assets is on the grounds that a portion of the crisis calls made by residents can be deceptions or occurrences that the calls don't really need to be looked at. Utilization of police assets requires to be practiced at least expenses or the assets ought to be used in the most powerful and gainful manner likely. At the point when some crisis calls experience to the police leave
Friday, August 21, 2020
Media Depiction of Teenagers Free Essays
England, the place where there is expectation and greatness, or perhaps not. Media today is by all accounts painting a clumsy image of Britain, the place that is known for medications and ASBO’s. It is safe to say that we are actually that terrible? Can you truly state that all adolescents are inconceivably severely carried on in any event, when we’re not! Of course, we as young people are at times awful and don’t do schoolwork, be that as it may, shouldn't something be said about the grown-ups who are savagely killing guiltless individuals? Have we basically overlooked those? I want to think not, I ponder time we began to recollect those couple of grown-ups and began to gauge the sides against one another. We will compose a custom paper test on Media Depiction of Teenagers or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now Truth is, the manner in which you see it, individuals are terrible. There are a chosen few that sit on traffic intersections, drinking vodka and utilize each swear word that is known to man at old women driving past in their little mini’s. Truly, however in any event we aren’t on the M11 speeding at 100 miles for every our and totalling three vehicles at regular intervals. Truly, we aren’t flawless yet nor are these supposed grown-ups. So to state that we are all â€Å"little emperors†is that at all reasonable? No! Obviously it isn’t. It’s just a little level of individuals, to be specific young people, who really do these hanist violations. Along these lines, quit giving just adolescents trouble, constantly. Be reasonable for once and we may, just may, begin treating you with the regard all of you request more often than not unjustifiably. An ideal case of a â€Å"Jeremy Kyle†young person is a Miss Emily Travell, just fifteen, and pregnant with her subsequent kid, a standard in the nearby drunks and with a notoriety not to be yelled about. Not a first year recruit to the police either, just as of late was taken in for disgusting presentation, be that as it may, I’m sure at whatever point she isn’t drinking, taking uncouth powders, that she is actually very pleasant. Likewise there’s an adage â€Å"You grow up like the individuals who you’re around†, shouldn't something be said about that? Truly, alright, utilizing Emily Travell for instance does really give you what a few, not all youngsters, get up to, notwithstanding, she is just an extremely little level of the populace that decides to act in this shocking manner. Most youngsters are entirely polite; they don’t perpetrate wrongdoing, they don’t have underage sex and really act like adolescents should. Anyway would you be able to try and characterize what a decent young person is any longer? In the event that you take a gander at most grown-ups they aren’t precisely the best good examples on the planet, so how are we expected to act? Its confounding; you state act like your folks would; some do and get scheduled for it. Actuality is, that we are youngsters and truly, I concur that neo reason for anything we foul up yet I’m positive that when you were our age you would have acted the equivalent, possibly you got things done in various manners, anyway it’s a similar kind of rule. In the event that you are reasonable in making a decision about us, at that point possibly we could restore that little kindness? Perhaps that insubordinate intuition that we are completely brought into the world with is still there in you grown-ups as well? Nobody is great, that is a straightforward unavoidable truth which won’t be changing at any point in the near future, nor can you truly figure out what flawless is. Possibly, quite possibly, if you somehow happened to quit quarreling among and really, stun frightfulness, began to act like grown-ups, at that point perhaps we may begin accepting you for genuine as an appropriate good example, not a phony one. Tests; how on earth would you realize that they’re getting simpler? You’re not taking them; we are and let me affirm that by no means whatsoever, are they getting simpler; an incredible inverse truly. Grieved and everything except when you’ve been composing for quite a long time attempting to urgently complete your coursework and afterward your plonked directly before an hour composing test, is that not a not too bad enough purpose behind us to be irritated at the grown-up race who trusts it incredible to get us to do a couple of tests here and a couple of additional there? Likewise I might want to see every grown-up that has an issue with the present GCSE test trouble to escape their office and sit them; lets check whether all of you pass and if your sentiment changes. I can wager it will. To be honest, GCSE’s appear to be silly on the grounds that they’re continually changing along these lines if were all being reasonable here, how on earth would you be able to get a reliable perusing which you can analyze? Without a definite arrangement of results you can’t anticipate that individuals should simply take your assertion for the tests getting simpler. Possibly on the off chance that you quit transforming them at regular intervals, at that point we may simply get something to use for a bigger scope and from that we can show whether GCSEs are getting more earnestly or as you state, simpler. Despite the fact that I guess the grown-ups, our folks, have overlooked the general thought that instructors may show signs of improvement preparing than that of 1852, indeed, they really do. Recall those assessments you groan about as well? That causes for their preparation to so don’t be such a charlatan. They get at any rate six, truly, check them, six preparing days a year. Unquestionably that implies that educators are better qualified? Other than for what reason would you need to mean at this point? You are rarely glad, you are cantankerous and totally slaughter us anyway when we really accomplish something directly for once they groan considerably more! It’s an endless loop which we can’t escape from. You truly don’t even allow us to show signs of improvement since you don’t help, you essentially besiege our brains and feelings with blusters about trivial things we don’t need to hear for the 50th time. That’s an incredible case of us being unpleasant in light of the fact that you go on and on. Toward the day's end, we are attempting our best to carry on and get passing marks, which is by chance what you need us to do. In the event that you need us to accomplish something different, at that point basically state. We must choose the option to do it since we live under your rooftop. All we ask is that you are reasonable when you judge us supposing that I’m gruff, you haven’t been and honestly you’ve simply caused the circumstance to decline and made it more profound. Toward the day's end when I plunk down to watch the BBC news, I hope to see youngsters being unreasonably criticized. I can dare to dream for the day when our kids can see a totally unique screen. Step by step instructions to refer to Media Depiction of Teenagers, Papers
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
The Elements of Moral Philosophy Essay - 1925 Words
The Elements of Moral Philosophy (Essay Sample) Content: Students NameInstructors NameCourse TitleDateApplication Essay: The Elements of Moral PhilosophyQuestion 1: Picking the topic of same sex-marriage, which theory (theories) that we have discussed (Ethical Subjectivism, Simple Subjectivism, Emotivism, The Divine Command Theory, Natural Law, Ethical Egoism, Psychological Egoism, and Altruism) best explains this issue? Why or why not? Give AT LEAST three reasons.Same-sex marriage is a topic that has been long debated by scholars from all walks of life. Many conservatives and religious entities argue against it while others who call themselves freethinkers support it. Homosexuality as a practice is best explained using the ethical subjectivism theory, the natural law theory, and the theory of emotivism. Unlike the case of simple subjectivism when a persons approval or disapproval of something becomes an absolute truth, ethical subjectivism allows people to have different morals/ opinions of the facts (Rachels 33). Despite various arguments proposed by other theories gay marriage should be abolished since it upsets the natural order of life and devalues the opposite sex.Arguments that support same-sex marriage use the perspective of individual happiness to support their position. Rachels states that achieving happiness for gays and lesbians, as well as other people, implies spending time and building a future with a loved one. The concept of allowing people to find their own happiness challenges the critics who state that homosexuality is unnatural and morally wrong. Sex is a passionate activity that creates deep urges within many human beings, and if these needs are not satisfied, most of these people may never find happiness in life (Rachels 44). The arguments for and against same-sex unions fall under the theory of emotivism because they do not depict facts, rather, they convey peoples attitudes. The opinions aim at influencing the social behavior of human beings (Rachels 36-37).The theory of natur al law, based on Aristotles philosophy, holds that everything has a role to play in the world. Society possesses a rational order where everything has a value and purpose (Rachels 53). According to the natural law theory, a man and a woman were born in such a way that they can procreate freely. The idea of same-sex marriage does not conform to the descriptive laws of nature. Therefore, homosexuality is an unnatural practice since it does not allow for the creation of progeny. The ideology of ethical subjectivism is a statement that the moral opinions and attitudes of people are based on someones beliefs about a particular subject or thing. There is no credible evidence as to what is right and what things are wrong (Rachels 32). Question 2: Picking the topic of abortion, which theory (theories) that we have discussed (Ethical Subjectivism, Simple Subjectivism, Emotivism, The Divine Command Theory, Natural Law, Ethical Egoism, Psychological Egoism, and Altruism) best explains this is sue? Why or why not? Give AT LEAST three reasons.The subject of abortion can be argued from different philosophical perspectives due to the mixed feelings in relation to its practice. Abortion can be described using the divine command theory, the natural law theory, and most importantly, the theory of ethical subjectivism. According to Rachels (47), trying to live according to the Biblical views would make one go crazy. James Rachels comments show that one cannot truly rely on the divine command theory as a basis for discrediting abortion because the 21st century is different from the ancient days. The best argument is that women should have the right to exercise their ideas, attitudes, opinions, and free will in their own lives. The mother of the unborn child is the one who suffers from rape cases, unplanned pregnancies, and the burden of carrying and nurturing the child for many years after giving birth. Although it is advisable for an individual who wants to abort to undergo the counselling and guidance process, the final decision lies with the mother of the unborn child. Rachels (58-59) outlines that any practice that is induced by man is unnatural and wrong. However, the case of rape is also wrong and unnatural because sex should be between willing partners. In the event of abortion, the mother lives with the consequences, which may be fatal or life changing. If the baby is not aborted due to social or legal constraints, the life of a rape victim can be affected, and they may never love their progeny, which is against the natural law theory (Rachels 58). Therefore, the decision to abort or not should not be legally or socially constrained because it would only serve as an ethical subjectivism opinion.Question 3: Picking the topic of female excision, which theory (theories) that we have discussed (Ethical Subjectivism, Simple Subjectivism, Emotivism, The Divine Command Theory, Natural Law, Ethical Egoism, Psychological Egoism, and Altruism) best explains this issue? Why or why not? Give AT LEAST three reasons.In the case of female excision, various communities have different definitions of what is culturally right or wrong. Morality is a set of beliefs that exist within the members of a particular community. Female genital mutilation is a practice that is recurrent in most African countries as a culture in the native tribes. However, the foundation of female circumcision is vague and purely mythical, which only goes to harm and desensitize the many women who undergo this torture (Rachels 25). Therefore, female excision should be illegalized since it reduces the quality of life, harms the individual, and occasionally causes death. The abolishment is best supported by the theory of altruism.Moral agents are under an obligation to emancipate the individuals who take part in the female circumcision without the knowledge of its side effects and repercussions. Although cultural relativism holds that people should be allowed to practice th eir own culture, human rights demand that every person be granted say over their own life. Most of the female excision exercises do not allow for this, which prompts the altruists to step in and educate the young girls and women who indulge in this unnatural ritual (Rachels 29). The mutilation desensitizes the female genitals, which deprives the girls of the ability to enjoy intercourse. Sex is the basis of happiness in the marital lives of many people. Grafting the genitalia also leaves a huge scar on the woman, and research has also shown that the open wound is prone to infections that can lead to death. The victims can also bleed to death as a result of the non-anesthetic surgery (END FGM par. 1).Question 4: Picking the topic of mercy killing, which theory (theories) that we have discussed (Ethical Subjectivism, Simple Subjectivism, Emotivism, The Divine Command Theory, Natural Law, Ethical Egoism, Psychological Egoism, and Altruism) best explains this issue? Why or why not? Giv e AT LEAST three reasons.The act of mercy killing (euthanasia) can be explained through two perspectives: one that is in the best interest of the person who pulls the plug and one that benefits the victim (Rachels 98). Sometimes, people or even animals can suffer from great pain after accidents or illnesses, which means that a human being or animal can either have a slow and excruciating death, or can never perform the normal tasks that require motility. The execution of mercy killings falls under the concepts of altruism and ethical egoism. Euthanasia should only be allowed when appropriate consent is given and when it is imperative. It relieves the victim from agonizing pain, and it saves the family or relatives from financial ruin and the pain of having to see their loved on suffer for the rest of their lives (Rachels 98). Altruism applies because the individuals are usually acting in the best interest of the victim, whereas ethical egoism theory defines the actions of the family or relatives as being motivated by selfishness in terms of monetary issues.The divine command theory states that one shall not kill. However, the concept behind living is to enjoy it and make the most of what one can become in society. Therefore, if an animal is run over by a car or deeply wounded in an explosion, it is only sensible to ease its pain and mystery by ending its life (Rachels 108). Sometimes, human beings contract brain tumors, and they only find out when in its mature stage. The delay in diagnosis causes the person to start losing their motile senses gradually. A doctor or relative can recommend euthanasia or initiate it because the patient becomes a vegetable in most cases (Rachels 98). The mercy killing saves the victims family money that could otherwise have been used in life support, and the resultant stress that would reduce the quality of their lives (Rachels 90).Question 5: Picking the topic of feeding the starving as a duty, which theory (theories) that we h ave discussed (Ethical Subjectivism, Simple Subjectivism, Emotivism, The Divine Command Theory, Natural Law, Ethical Egoism, Psychological Egoism, and Altruism) best explains this issue? Why or why not? Give AT LEAST three reasons.The ideology of feeding the poor as an obligation is something that has been advocated for by most religious entities, especially Christianity. The Biblical teachings outline that a man shall not turn away from his neighbor in need (Rachels 57). Other moral agents take it upon themselves to help others. The virtue of philanthropy forms a solid argument in favor of altruists, those who follow the divine command theory, and the psychological egoism theory. It is unfair to force someone to give to the hungry against their will because it beats the whole concept of altruism. The act of giving should be voluntary, it should be done without the expectation ... The Elements of Moral Philosophy Essay - 1925 Words The Elements of Moral Philosophy (Essay Sample) Content: Students NameInstructors NameCourse TitleDateApplication Essay: The Elements of Moral PhilosophyQuestion 1: Picking the topic of same sex-marriage, which theory (theories) that we have discussed (Ethical Subjectivism, Simple Subjectivism, Emotivism, The Divine Command Theory, Natural Law, Ethical Egoism, Psychological Egoism, and Altruism) best explains this issue? Why or why not? Give AT LEAST three reasons.Same-sex marriage is a topic that has been long debated by scholars from all walks of life. Many conservatives and religious entities argue against it while others who call themselves freethinkers support it. Homosexuality as a practice is best explained using the ethical subjectivism theory, the natural law theory, and the theory of emotivism. Unlike the case of simple subjectivism when a persons approval or disapproval of something becomes an absolute truth, ethical subjectivism allows people to have different morals/ opinions of the facts (Rachels 33). Despite various arguments proposed by other theories gay marriage should be abolished since it upsets the natural order of life and devalues the opposite sex.Arguments that support same-sex marriage use the perspective of individual happiness to support their position. Rachels states that achieving happiness for gays and lesbians, as well as other people, implies spending time and building a future with a loved one. The concept of allowing people to find their own happiness challenges the critics who state that homosexuality is unnatural and morally wrong. Sex is a passionate activity that creates deep urges within many human beings, and if these needs are not satisfied, most of these people may never find happiness in life (Rachels 44). The arguments for and against same-sex unions fall under the theory of emotivism because they do not depict facts, rather, they convey peoples attitudes. The opinions aim at influencing the social behavior of human beings (Rachels 36-37).The theory of natur al law, based on Aristotles philosophy, holds that everything has a role to play in the world. Society possesses a rational order where everything has a value and purpose (Rachels 53). According to the natural law theory, a man and a woman were born in such a way that they can procreate freely. The idea of same-sex marriage does not conform to the descriptive laws of nature. Therefore, homosexuality is an unnatural practice since it does not allow for the creation of progeny. The ideology of ethical subjectivism is a statement that the moral opinions and attitudes of people are based on someones beliefs about a particular subject or thing. There is no credible evidence as to what is right and what things are wrong (Rachels 32). Question 2: Picking the topic of abortion, which theory (theories) that we have discussed (Ethical Subjectivism, Simple Subjectivism, Emotivism, The Divine Command Theory, Natural Law, Ethical Egoism, Psychological Egoism, and Altruism) best explains this is sue? Why or why not? Give AT LEAST three reasons.The subject of abortion can be argued from different philosophical perspectives due to the mixed feelings in relation to its practice. Abortion can be described using the divine command theory, the natural law theory, and most importantly, the theory of ethical subjectivism. According to Rachels (47), trying to live according to the Biblical views would make one go crazy. James Rachels comments show that one cannot truly rely on the divine command theory as a basis for discrediting abortion because the 21st century is different from the ancient days. The best argument is that women should have the right to exercise their ideas, attitudes, opinions, and free will in their own lives. The mother of the unborn child is the one who suffers from rape cases, unplanned pregnancies, and the burden of carrying and nurturing the child for many years after giving birth. Although it is advisable for an individual who wants to abort to undergo the counselling and guidance process, the final decision lies with the mother of the unborn child. Rachels (58-59) outlines that any practice that is induced by man is unnatural and wrong. However, the case of rape is also wrong and unnatural because sex should be between willing partners. In the event of abortion, the mother lives with the consequences, which may be fatal or life changing. If the baby is not aborted due to social or legal constraints, the life of a rape victim can be affected, and they may never love their progeny, which is against the natural law theory (Rachels 58). Therefore, the decision to abort or not should not be legally or socially constrained because it would only serve as an ethical subjectivism opinion.Question 3: Picking the topic of female excision, which theory (theories) that we have discussed (Ethical Subjectivism, Simple Subjectivism, Emotivism, The Divine Command Theory, Natural Law, Ethical Egoism, Psychological Egoism, and Altruism) best explains this issue? Why or why not? Give AT LEAST three reasons.In the case of female excision, various communities have different definitions of what is culturally right or wrong. Morality is a set of beliefs that exist within the members of a particular community. Female genital mutilation is a practice that is recurrent in most African countries as a culture in the native tribes. However, the foundation of female circumcision is vague and purely mythical, which only goes to harm and desensitize the many women who undergo this torture (Rachels 25). Therefore, female excision should be illegalized since it reduces the quality of life, harms the individual, and occasionally causes death. The abolishment is best supported by the theory of altruism.Moral agents are under an obligation to emancipate the individuals who take part in the female circumcision without the knowledge of its side effects and repercussions. Although cultural relativism holds that people should be allowed to practice th eir own culture, human rights demand that every person be granted say over their own life. Most of the female excision exercises do not allow for this, which prompts the altruists to step in and educate the young girls and women who indulge in this unnatural ritual (Rachels 29). The mutilation desensitizes the female genitals, which deprives the girls of the ability to enjoy intercourse. Sex is the basis of happiness in the marital lives of many people. Grafting the genitalia also leaves a huge scar on the woman, and research has also shown that the open wound is prone to infections that can lead to death. The victims can also bleed to death as a result of the non-anesthetic surgery (END FGM par. 1).Question 4: Picking the topic of mercy killing, which theory (theories) that we have discussed (Ethical Subjectivism, Simple Subjectivism, Emotivism, The Divine Command Theory, Natural Law, Ethical Egoism, Psychological Egoism, and Altruism) best explains this issue? Why or why not? Giv e AT LEAST three reasons.The act of mercy killing (euthanasia) can be explained through two perspectives: one that is in the best interest of the person who pulls the plug and one that benefits the victim (Rachels 98). Sometimes, people or even animals can suffer from great pain after accidents or illnesses, which means that a human being or animal can either have a slow and excruciating death, or can never perform the normal tasks that require motility. The execution of mercy killings falls under the concepts of altruism and ethical egoism. Euthanasia should only be allowed when appropriate consent is given and when it is imperative. It relieves the victim from agonizing pain, and it saves the family or relatives from financial ruin and the pain of having to see their loved on suffer for the rest of their lives (Rachels 98). Altruism applies because the individuals are usually acting in the best interest of the victim, whereas ethical egoism theory defines the actions of the family or relatives as being motivated by selfishness in terms of monetary issues.The divine command theory states that one shall not kill. However, the concept behind living is to enjoy it and make the most of what one can become in society. Therefore, if an animal is run over by a car or deeply wounded in an explosion, it is only sensible to ease its pain and mystery by ending its life (Rachels 108). Sometimes, human beings contract brain tumors, and they only find out when in its mature stage. The delay in diagnosis causes the person to start losing their motile senses gradually. A doctor or relative can recommend euthanasia or initiate it because the patient becomes a vegetable in most cases (Rachels 98). The mercy killing saves the victims family money that could otherwise have been used in life support, and the resultant stress that would reduce the quality of their lives (Rachels 90).Question 5: Picking the topic of feeding the starving as a duty, which theory (theories) that we h ave discussed (Ethical Subjectivism, Simple Subjectivism, Emotivism, The Divine Command Theory, Natural Law, Ethical Egoism, Psychological Egoism, and Altruism) best explains this issue? Why or why not? Give AT LEAST three reasons.The ideology of feeding the poor as an obligation is something that has been advocated for by most religious entities, especially Christianity. The Biblical teachings outline that a man shall not turn away from his neighbor in need (Rachels 57). Other moral agents take it upon themselves to help others. The virtue of philanthropy forms a solid argument in favor of altruists, those who follow the divine command theory, and the psychological egoism theory. It is unfair to force someone to give to the hungry against their will because it beats the whole concept of altruism. The act of giving should be voluntary, it should be done without the expectation ...
Monday, May 18, 2020
Analysis Of The Book Elena Vanishing, By Elena Dunkle...
Critical Eating There are many different psychological illnesses in the world, each with different causes. While eating is an key function of life, some people may be doing harm to their body with their eating habits. Eating disorders occur when a person has a bad relationship with food and can be deadly. The book Elena Vanishing, by Elena Dunkle and Clare B. Dunkle, gives a better understanding of the background of eating disorders and many reviewers are impacted by the book’s vital message. Many people are unaware of the background of eating disorders. Women are more likely than men to develop an eating disorder and they usually develop in childhood before the age of 20 (Ross-Flanigan 1). Women as well as men can develop an eating disorder; it is just more likely for a woman to develop one. Eating disorders are usually developed in adolescent or childhood years when a person is influenced the most. Also â€Å"Eating disorders are psychological conditions that involve overeating, voluntary starvation, or both. Anorexia nervosa, anorexic bulimia, and binge eating are the most well-known types of eating disorders†(Ross-Flanigan 1). Many people assume that an eating disorder is when a person staves themselves; they do not realize that it can involve overeating as well. Some eating disorders also involve purging, but not all. People with an eating disorder fear gaining weight even when they are severely underweight. They do not lack an appetite (Ross-Flanigan 1). Th ese people are
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Collapse Of Enron Corporation - 1547 Words
The purpose of this article is analyze the downfall of the Enron Corporation and how the collapse of Enron Corporation consequence affected the United states financial market. Enron Corporation was the seventh largest company in the United States, and had the biggest audit failure. In this Research paper, it describes the reason of Enron Corporation collapse, including details of the internal/ external management, accounting fraud, and conflict of interest. Enron is the largest bankruptcy in America history! The Collapse of Enron Corporation and how the three major violations under the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) introduce the fall of the Enron Corporation due to the off-balance sheet arrangements, the role of mark to market and lastly, the manipulation of derivatives. When the United States Congress passed the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) on 1977, to not just prevent but to motorize financial irregularities in the market, and many violations in the accounting system. Enron was the most famous Corporation in American history to collapse. A major corporation created by acquisition and merge with two natural gas companies. The first violation under the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) was the creation of the off-balance sheet method. The off balance-sheet method served as a purpose in Enron’s accounting scandal. The purpose of the scandal was to maximize financial flexibility, minimizing the cost of borrowing from creditors,Show MoreRelat edThe Collapse Of Enron Corporation1787 Words  | 8 Pagesâ€Å"When a company ascends to the number seven spot on the Fortune 500 and then collapses in weeks into a smoking ruin, its stock worth pennies, its CEO, a confidante of presidents, more or less evaporated, there must be lessons in there somewhere.†-Daniel Henninger, The Wall Street Journal The collapse of Enron Corporation has created many discussions about the structure of corporate governance. The question of this essay first calls to examine some of the strengths and weaknesses of theRead MoreThe Collapse Of Enron Corporation1988 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction: The abrupt and unanticipated collapse of Enron Corporation was due to one of the largest accounting frauds in U.S. history. This scandal had significant impact on the financial markets by causing enormous financial losses for numerous investors. Before filing for Chapter 11 reorganization bankruptcy protection in December of 2001, Enron was named the Most Innovative Company in America by Fortune Magazine from 1996 to 2001, and also named first in 1999 on its list of the 100 BestRead MoreDetecting Financial Statement Fraud : The Collapse Of Enron Corporation2216 Words  | 9 PagesDetecting Financial Statement Fraud The dramatic collapse of Enron Corporation, following the series of disclosures of accounting improprieties, leads to questions regarding the soundness of accounting and financial reporting standards, and contributing factors to financial statement fraud. One question relates to important internal controls ignored in the creation of special purpose entities such as LJM1 by Enron. Another question relates to how Enron’s harsh Performance Review Committee mightRead More Ethical Lessons Learned from Corporate Scandals Essay832 Words  | 4 Pagesethically as a result of their internalized virtuous core values. The Enron scandal is the most significant corporate collapse in the United States and it demonstrates the need for significant reforms in accounting and corporate governance in the United States. It is also a call for a close look at the ethical quality of the culture of business generally and of business corporations (Lessons from the Enron Scandal). The collapse of even the smallest of businesses impacts many people, and thereforeRead MoreA Corporation With No Morals1036 Words  | 5 Pages A Corporation With No Morals Some teenagers today, may not know what business ethics are. Well, business ethics is the difference between right and wrong in the business realm. There are so many companies with good business ethics but in our world we only hear about the companies with the bad ethics. One of those companies is called Enron. Enron is a gigantic corporation that deals with the electrical power in Dallas, Texas. Enron may have destroyed many people’s lives due to the companyRead MoreAndrew Fastow : The Enron Corporation And The Pioneer Of The Financial1067 Words  | 5 PagesIn 1990 Enron market value increased from $3.5 billion to $35 billion by the end of 1999 (Ivey Business Journal, 2016). During this time Andrew Fastow was the chief financial officer of the Enron Corporation and the pioneer of the financial implication that brought Enron crumbling down. In this nine-year time frame this feat was admired by companies around the globe. Andrew received a CFO Magazine award for his work at Enron and had lavish parties celebrating the results of the quarterly earningsRead MoreThe Fall Of Major Telecommunications Company Onetel And Enron1319 Words  | 6 Pages OneTel and Enron were huge technology companies, dominating the competition that they faced although - everything changed. Both of these companies operated in the same era, coincedently both suffering financial collapse. The reasons were mainly because of failure to follow major accounting principles, lacking morals and lacking strong work ethics. If even a major corporation can fall into this â€Å"trap†, then avoiding doesn’t sound easy, although accountants can easily avoid scandals by following aRead MoreEnron And The Enron Scandal1588 Words  | 7 PagesEnron was a corporation located in Houston, Texas and in just fifteen years the US energy trading and utilities company grew to become one of America’s largest and more successful cooperation’s. Enron suffered a major fall. After being one of the most successful corporations Enron became the biggest company to file bankruptcy in history. In this research paper it will discuss about the history of En ron, the fraud committed and who is to blame. The historical development of white collar crime in theRead MoreFinancial Collapse : The And Enron1320 Words  | 6 PagesOneTel and Enron were huge technology companies, dominating the competition that they faced although - everything changed. Both of these companies operated in the same era, coincedently both suffering financial collapse. The reasons were mainly because of the failure to follow major accounting principles, lacking morals and lacking strong work ethics. If even a major corporation can fall into this â€Å"trap†, then avoiding doesn’t sound easy, although accountants can easily avoid scandals by followingRead MoreEnron And The Collapse Of Enron1303 Words  | 6 PagesEnron, a company which originated in Huston, Texas, was one of the largest American energy trading corporations in the nation. Although it was one of the most well known companies, it was also one that crashed and burned the fastest, shoc king many people when it did. Not only did it end fast, the company caused quite a scandal which is still being discussed and reviewed in today’s world. Enron’s bankruptcy scandal was so widely known because of the many people who associated themselves with the company
Managing Organizations and Job Satisfaction †Free Samples for Student
Question: Discuss about the Managing Organizations and Job Satisfaction. Answer: Introduction In the modern world, it is seen that human resources are the most significant aspect among all the resources that are owned by organizations. It is seen that in order to preserve the experienced and effective workforce within a firm it is very important to look after the total performance of the firm. In the world of business, the organizations are looked to be viable with respect to their competency in human resource (Braun et al., 2013). Therefore, in order to remain competitive, the organizations initiate on raising the satisfaction level of their human capital on a frequent basis. This has led to the creation of human capital development that has eliminated the concept of employee development that has led to fundamental transformations in the environment of the market. The sustainable development of job satisfaction is only possible with the help of improvement in the financial performance and the management initiatives of the firm. The function of human resource like any other partners of business are considered as business partners as the human resources provides capital or input in the form of human efforts and skills and in return they expect rewards and recognition (Arekar et al., 2014). Therefore, it is seen that job satisfaction is considered to be one of the basic aspects of human resource management and this is a significant process to enhance the completive edge of the firm. The paper therefore discusses about the importance of job satisfaction and how they are vital for the development of the organization and improvement in the development of the performance of the employees. Job Satisfaction The viewpoint of the employees towards their input in their organization is dependent on the level of job satisfaction. It is seen that job satisfaction has an influence on the general life satisfaction of an employee and therefore it can be said that is the end result of the attitudes that are inside an employee (Skaalvik Skaalvik 2014). The attitudes that are in discussion involve the factors like wages, working environment, social relations, immediate superiors and prompt settlement of grievances. Job satisfaction is viewed as an attitude that is an outcome of the summation and balance of particular likes and dislikes that are seen in relation to the job. The evaluation of job satisfaction can be is dependent upon the failures and success in the achievement of the personal goals (Wong Laschinger 2013). It is seen that for a more comprehensive approach, job satisfaction requires the inclusion of certain factors like the health of the employee, age of the employee and the desire and degree of aspiration (Huang et al., 2014). There are certain other factors that have an influence on the job satisfaction attitude and that involve the social status, relationship with the family and recreational outlets within the organization. The degree of job satisfaction varies from person to person and therefore it is not possible for the organizations to undertake several activities that will be influential for every employee. However, it is the competency of the management of the firm to undertake several plans that will satisfy most of the employees (Hlsheger et al., 2013). It is seen that employees generally work in an organization in order to earn income, and therefore, rewards in the form of cash or gifts can motivate the employees to work harder and satisfy their needs. The employees feel satisfied when they find that their efforts and their works are being identified and the management is providing them with added incentives for their hard work. The other factors that have an effect on the satisfaction level are secondary in nature involving the working environment, hygiene of the workplace, employee to employee relation, employee to management relation etc. Importance of Job Satisfaction It is seen that job satisfaction acts as a significant gauge of the sentiments and feelings employees have towards their job and it even acts as a forecaster of the working behaviour regarding the level of absenteeism, employee turnover etc. This process can moderately arbitrate the relationship among the variables of personality and the unexpected work behaviour (West et al., 2014). The various researches that have been undertaken with respect to job satisfaction has revealed that job satisfaction is correlated with the lifestyle of the individual. This relation is reciprocal in nature showing that an employee who is satisfied with their life are even satisfied with their jobs and the ones who are satisfied with their job are satisfied with their life. This is a significant information as it is seen that job performance and job satisfaction are directly associated to each other. Skogstad et al., (2015) explained that a happy worker is found to be a productive and efficient worker. A clear evidence is seen that employees who are dissatisfied skip their work more and are more likely to resign while satisfied employees tend to work longer with the firm. Importance to employees and organizations Occupational success and job satisfaction are the key factors in self-respect, self-development, self-esteem and personal satisfaction. It is seen that to the employees, job satisfaction reveals a flattering emotional condition and that can primarily lead to optimistic feelings regarding their work. An employee who is satisfied are seen to be more loyal, creative, innovative and flexible (Jensen Jacobsen 2015). It is seen that for the firms, the job satisfaction of their employees explains a workforce that is aggravated and committed to enhanced quality and efficient performance. It is seen that enhanced productivity and quality and quantity per hour output is discovered to be a by-product of the developed quality of the working life. It is significant to make note that the style on the relationship among the productivity and job satisfaction is neither consistent nor conclusive (Girma 2016). It is even seen that job satisfaction benefits and are advantageous to the firms as in decreases the level of grievances and complaints, employee turnover, absenteeism and termination. It is even seen that there is an improvement in the employee self-esteem and punctuality of the workers (Fortney et al., 2013). Job satisfaction is even related with a healthier and better workforce and has been discovered to be good parameter for durability. Employee Role in Job Satisfaction It is discovered that if job satisfaction is a benefit for the worker, then the employees must have the ability to contribute to their well being on their job and self satisfaction. There are various suggestions that can make help an employee discover their self satisfaction. The employees can enhance their job satisfaction by looking for opportunities to reveal their skills and talents (Tang et al., 2014). This initiative largely leads to more demanding work and enhanced accountabilities with rise in payment and various other recognitions. Job satisfaction even leads to enhancement of efficient communication skills that would develop the performance of the organizations. Conclusion In this paper, information regarding the background on job satisfaction and its significance towards the performance of the organization is explained. It is seen that the theme of the study is to construct a tool that can be utilised to evaluate the degree of satisfaction of the employees in every sector of the economy. The paper discusses about the role of job satisfaction that can be helpful to the organizations to enhance their productivity and performance in the economy. It is seen that the organizations have given stress on increasing the level of job satisfaction as rise in the level of satisfaction will lead to the lowering of employee turnover, rate of absenteeism as it is a cost to the organization. Increased job satisfaction can be useful for enhanced work productivity that will increase the completive edge of the firm and will even provide additional profit. Therefore, the role and the importance of job satisfaction is discussed as it will help the organizations to underta ke various actions that would improve their business activities. References Arekar, K., Jain, R., Desphande, B., Sherin, P. (2016). Relationship between individual and structural determinants on job satisfactionanalysis of employee turnover in the Indian context.The Journal of Developing Areas,50(6), 387-398. Braun, S., Peus, C., Weisweiler, S., Frey, D. (2013). Transformational leadership, job satisfaction, and team performance: A multilevel mediation model of trust.The Leadership Quarterly,24(1), 270-283. Fortney, L., Luchterhand, C., Zakletskaia, L., Zgierska, A., Rakel, D. (2013). Abbreviated mindfulness intervention for job satisfaction, quality of life, and compassion in primary care clinicians: a pilot study.The Annals of Family Medicine,11(5), 412-420. Girma, S. (2016). 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