Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Managing Organizations and Job Satisfaction †Free Samples for Student

Question: Discuss about the Managing Organizations and Job Satisfaction. Answer: Introduction In the modern world, it is seen that human resources are the most significant aspect among all the resources that are owned by organizations. It is seen that in order to preserve the experienced and effective workforce within a firm it is very important to look after the total performance of the firm. In the world of business, the organizations are looked to be viable with respect to their competency in human resource (Braun et al., 2013). Therefore, in order to remain competitive, the organizations initiate on raising the satisfaction level of their human capital on a frequent basis. This has led to the creation of human capital development that has eliminated the concept of employee development that has led to fundamental transformations in the environment of the market. The sustainable development of job satisfaction is only possible with the help of improvement in the financial performance and the management initiatives of the firm. The function of human resource like any other partners of business are considered as business partners as the human resources provides capital or input in the form of human efforts and skills and in return they expect rewards and recognition (Arekar et al., 2014). Therefore, it is seen that job satisfaction is considered to be one of the basic aspects of human resource management and this is a significant process to enhance the completive edge of the firm. The paper therefore discusses about the importance of job satisfaction and how they are vital for the development of the organization and improvement in the development of the performance of the employees. Job Satisfaction The viewpoint of the employees towards their input in their organization is dependent on the level of job satisfaction. It is seen that job satisfaction has an influence on the general life satisfaction of an employee and therefore it can be said that is the end result of the attitudes that are inside an employee (Skaalvik Skaalvik 2014). The attitudes that are in discussion involve the factors like wages, working environment, social relations, immediate superiors and prompt settlement of grievances. Job satisfaction is viewed as an attitude that is an outcome of the summation and balance of particular likes and dislikes that are seen in relation to the job. The evaluation of job satisfaction can be is dependent upon the failures and success in the achievement of the personal goals (Wong Laschinger 2013). It is seen that for a more comprehensive approach, job satisfaction requires the inclusion of certain factors like the health of the employee, age of the employee and the desire and degree of aspiration (Huang et al., 2014). There are certain other factors that have an influence on the job satisfaction attitude and that involve the social status, relationship with the family and recreational outlets within the organization. The degree of job satisfaction varies from person to person and therefore it is not possible for the organizations to undertake several activities that will be influential for every employee. However, it is the competency of the management of the firm to undertake several plans that will satisfy most of the employees (Hlsheger et al., 2013). It is seen that employees generally work in an organization in order to earn income, and therefore, rewards in the form of cash or gifts can motivate the employees to work harder and satisfy their needs. The employees feel satisfied when they find that their efforts and their works are being identified and the management is providing them with added incentives for their hard work. The other factors that have an effect on the satisfaction level are secondary in nature involving the working environment, hygiene of the workplace, employee to employee relation, employee to management relation etc. Importance of Job Satisfaction It is seen that job satisfaction acts as a significant gauge of the sentiments and feelings employees have towards their job and it even acts as a forecaster of the working behaviour regarding the level of absenteeism, employee turnover etc. This process can moderately arbitrate the relationship among the variables of personality and the unexpected work behaviour (West et al., 2014). The various researches that have been undertaken with respect to job satisfaction has revealed that job satisfaction is correlated with the lifestyle of the individual. This relation is reciprocal in nature showing that an employee who is satisfied with their life are even satisfied with their jobs and the ones who are satisfied with their job are satisfied with their life. This is a significant information as it is seen that job performance and job satisfaction are directly associated to each other. Skogstad et al., (2015) explained that a happy worker is found to be a productive and efficient worker. A clear evidence is seen that employees who are dissatisfied skip their work more and are more likely to resign while satisfied employees tend to work longer with the firm. Importance to employees and organizations Occupational success and job satisfaction are the key factors in self-respect, self-development, self-esteem and personal satisfaction. It is seen that to the employees, job satisfaction reveals a flattering emotional condition and that can primarily lead to optimistic feelings regarding their work. An employee who is satisfied are seen to be more loyal, creative, innovative and flexible (Jensen Jacobsen 2015). It is seen that for the firms, the job satisfaction of their employees explains a workforce that is aggravated and committed to enhanced quality and efficient performance. It is seen that enhanced productivity and quality and quantity per hour output is discovered to be a by-product of the developed quality of the working life. It is significant to make note that the style on the relationship among the productivity and job satisfaction is neither consistent nor conclusive (Girma 2016). It is even seen that job satisfaction benefits and are advantageous to the firms as in decreases the level of grievances and complaints, employee turnover, absenteeism and termination. It is even seen that there is an improvement in the employee self-esteem and punctuality of the workers (Fortney et al., 2013). Job satisfaction is even related with a healthier and better workforce and has been discovered to be good parameter for durability. Employee Role in Job Satisfaction It is discovered that if job satisfaction is a benefit for the worker, then the employees must have the ability to contribute to their well being on their job and self satisfaction. There are various suggestions that can make help an employee discover their self satisfaction. The employees can enhance their job satisfaction by looking for opportunities to reveal their skills and talents (Tang et al., 2014). This initiative largely leads to more demanding work and enhanced accountabilities with rise in payment and various other recognitions. Job satisfaction even leads to enhancement of efficient communication skills that would develop the performance of the organizations. Conclusion In this paper, information regarding the background on job satisfaction and its significance towards the performance of the organization is explained. It is seen that the theme of the study is to construct a tool that can be utilised to evaluate the degree of satisfaction of the employees in every sector of the economy. The paper discusses about the role of job satisfaction that can be helpful to the organizations to enhance their productivity and performance in the economy. It is seen that the organizations have given stress on increasing the level of job satisfaction as rise in the level of satisfaction will lead to the lowering of employee turnover, rate of absenteeism as it is a cost to the organization. Increased job satisfaction can be useful for enhanced work productivity that will increase the completive edge of the firm and will even provide additional profit. 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